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    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by rejane with the online test builder (58 tests)
    Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Comparatives: dan, als (2577 candidates)
    2. Sciences (251 candidates)
    3. Famous Belgian people (311 candidates)
    4. Subordinate clauses (2709 candidates)
    5. Infinitive with/without "te" (661 candidates)
    6. om... te + infinitive (10912 candidates)
    7. Words ending in "uur" (310 candidates)
    8. Subordinate clauses (855 candidates)
    9. Words ending in -aar (111 candidates)
    10. Adjectives (4263 candidates)
    11. Compound words with animals (205 candidates)
    12. Infinitive (271 candidates)
    13. Auxiliaries (521 candidates)
    14. Alle, hele, alles, al... (2428 candidates)
    15. Adverbs (993 candidates)
    16. Er/Het (688 candidates)
    17. Idioms (body) (179 candidates)
    18. Feelings (1405 candidates)
    19. Likes (938 candidates)
    20. Infinitive (184 candidates)

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