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    tests by shayla with the online test builder (22 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Animals (12558 candidates)
    2. Fruits & vegetables (6738 candidates)
    3. Alphabet (5529 candidates)
    4. Housework (4271 candidates)
    5. Family (3691 candidates)
    6. Clothes & accessories (3517 candidates)
    7. Colors (2415 candidates)
    8. Jobs (1802 candidates)
    9. Breakfast (1530 candidates)
    10. Transports (1482 candidates)
    11. Parts of a house (1440 candidates)
    12. At school (1380 candidates)
    13. To be - Present (1379 candidates)
    14. Sports (1308 candidates)
    15. Beverages (1184 candidates)
    16. Hospital (1098 candidates)
    17. In the bedroom (969 candidates)
    18. Vegetables (855 candidates)
    19. To have - present (793 candidates)
    20. Bathroom (733 candidates)

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