tests by inda with the online test builder (54 tests)
Ranked by average - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Spelling: F/V ? (322 candidates) (moyenne = 17.1)
2. Spelling : d/t (346 candidates) (moyenne = 16.8)
3. Present - hebben (768 candidates) (moyenne = 16.5)
4. Present - zijn (1572 candidates) (moyenne = 16.1)
5. Spelling: ij / ei (170 candidates) (moyenne = 15.1)
6. Present (725 candidates) (moyenne = 14.9)
7. Diminutive words (340 candidates) (moyenne = 14.8)
8. Imperative (949 candidates) (moyenne = 14.6)
9. Singular (562 candidates) (moyenne = 14.4)
10. Present (1027 candidates) (moyenne = 14.3)
11. Compound nouns (624 candidates) (moyenne = 13.8)
12. Spelling: au / ou (242 candidates) (moyenne = 13.7)
13. Imperfect (365 candidates) (moyenne = 13.5)
14. Singular-Plural (953 candidates) (moyenne = 13.5)
15. Plural (336 candidates) (moyenne = 13.4)
16. Subordinate clauses (814 candidates) (moyenne = 13.2)
17. Imperfect (408 candidates) (moyenne = 13.1)
18. Plural (368 candidates) (moyenne = 13.1)
19. Body (582 candidates) (moyenne = 13.1)
20. Imperfect (353 candidates) (moyenne = 13)
Ranked by average - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Spelling: F/V ? (322 candidates) (moyenne = 17.1)
2. Spelling : d/t (346 candidates) (moyenne = 16.8)
3. Present - hebben (768 candidates) (moyenne = 16.5)
4. Present - zijn (1572 candidates) (moyenne = 16.1)
5. Spelling: ij / ei (170 candidates) (moyenne = 15.1)
6. Present (725 candidates) (moyenne = 14.9)
7. Diminutive words (340 candidates) (moyenne = 14.8)
8. Imperative (949 candidates) (moyenne = 14.6)
9. Singular (562 candidates) (moyenne = 14.4)
10. Present (1027 candidates) (moyenne = 14.3)
11. Compound nouns (624 candidates) (moyenne = 13.8)
12. Spelling: au / ou (242 candidates) (moyenne = 13.7)
13. Imperfect (365 candidates) (moyenne = 13.5)
14. Singular-Plural (953 candidates) (moyenne = 13.5)
15. Plural (336 candidates) (moyenne = 13.4)
16. Subordinate clauses (814 candidates) (moyenne = 13.2)
17. Imperfect (408 candidates) (moyenne = 13.1)
18. Plural (368 candidates) (moyenne = 13.1)
19. Body (582 candidates) (moyenne = 13.1)
20. Imperfect (353 candidates) (moyenne = 13)
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