tests by vero7000 with the online test builder (17 tests)
Ranked by average - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Pronunciation (3419 candidates) (moyenne = 13.8)
2. Pronunciation (4076 candidates) (moyenne = 13.6)
3. Prepositions (21505 candidates) (moyenne = 13.4)
4. Questions (1327 candidates) (moyenne = 13.1)
5. Pronunciation (2557 candidates) (moyenne = 12.8)
6. Prononciation (3935 candidates) (moyenne = 12.6)
7. Who's who? (2939 candidates) (moyenne = 11.9)
8. Prepositions (19089 candidates) (moyenne = 11.4)
9. Expressions (2) (2423 candidates) (moyenne = 11.2)
10. Past tense (3141 candidates) (moyenne = 10)
11. Feelings (7117 candidates) (moyenne = 9.2)
12. In the past (6784 candidates) (moyenne = 7.9)
13. Expressions (2730 candidates) (moyenne = 6.9)
Ranked by average - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Pronunciation (3419 candidates) (moyenne = 13.8)
2. Pronunciation (4076 candidates) (moyenne = 13.6)
3. Prepositions (21505 candidates) (moyenne = 13.4)
4. Questions (1327 candidates) (moyenne = 13.1)
5. Pronunciation (2557 candidates) (moyenne = 12.8)
6. Prononciation (3935 candidates) (moyenne = 12.6)
7. Who's who? (2939 candidates) (moyenne = 11.9)
8. Prepositions (19089 candidates) (moyenne = 11.4)
9. Expressions (2) (2423 candidates) (moyenne = 11.2)
10. Past tense (3141 candidates) (moyenne = 10)
11. Feelings (7117 candidates) (moyenne = 9.2)
12. In the past (6784 candidates) (moyenne = 7.9)
13. Expressions (2730 candidates) (moyenne = 6.9)