tests by inda with the online test builder (54 tests)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Adjectives : colours (587 candidates)
2. Alcohol (372 candidates)
3. Animals (1034 candidates)
4. Conditional present (753 candidates)
5. Conditional present (451 candidates)
6. Subordinate clauses (814 candidates)
7. Body (582 candidates)
8. Kitchen (650 candidates)
9. Dictation: jewellery (194 candidates)
10. Dictation: diamonds (226 candidates)
11. Diminutive words (340 candidates)
12. Near future (1486 candidates)
13. Future (535 candidates)
14. Future (1100 candidates)
15. Halloween (374 candidates)
16. Halloween (234 candidates)
17. Winter/Snow (711 candidates)
18. Imperative (949 candidates)
19. Imperfect (365 candidates)
20. Imperfect (408 candidates)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Adjectives : colours (587 candidates)
2. Alcohol (372 candidates)
3. Animals (1034 candidates)
4. Conditional present (753 candidates)
5. Conditional present (451 candidates)
6. Subordinate clauses (814 candidates)
7. Body (582 candidates)
8. Kitchen (650 candidates)
9. Dictation: jewellery (194 candidates)
10. Dictation: diamonds (226 candidates)
11. Diminutive words (340 candidates)
12. Near future (1486 candidates)
13. Future (535 candidates)
14. Future (1100 candidates)
15. Halloween (374 candidates)
16. Halloween (234 candidates)
17. Winter/Snow (711 candidates)
18. Imperative (949 candidates)
19. Imperfect (365 candidates)
20. Imperfect (408 candidates)
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