tests by ilona2 with the online test builder (134 tests)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Pronouns (6213 candidates)
2. Dialogue : Doctor (1286 candidates)
3. Maths (1137 candidates)
4. Het/De (15269 candidates)
5. Question words (11462 candidates)
6. Imperfect (7434 candidates)
7. Zijn/Hebben (5758 candidates)
8. Toen / Als (4991 candidates)
9. Imperative (3198 candidates)
10. Comparatives of superiority (3093 candidates)
11. Passive voice (2589 candidates)
12. Conjunctions (2479 candidates)
13. Past participles (2045 candidates)
14. Prepositions (1612 candidates)
15. Gender (de-woorden) (1609 candidates)
16. Superlatives of superiority (1508 candidates)
17. Linking words (adverbs) (1345 candidates)
18. Tenses (1302 candidates)
19. What's the time? (1275 candidates)
20. Plural (1268 candidates)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Pronouns (6213 candidates)
2. Dialogue : Doctor (1286 candidates)
3. Maths (1137 candidates)
4. Het/De (15269 candidates)
5. Question words (11462 candidates)
6. Imperfect (7434 candidates)
7. Zijn/Hebben (5758 candidates)
8. Toen / Als (4991 candidates)
9. Imperative (3198 candidates)
10. Comparatives of superiority (3093 candidates)
11. Passive voice (2589 candidates)
12. Conjunctions (2479 candidates)
13. Past participles (2045 candidates)
14. Prepositions (1612 candidates)
15. Gender (de-woorden) (1609 candidates)
16. Superlatives of superiority (1508 candidates)
17. Linking words (adverbs) (1345 candidates)
18. Tenses (1302 candidates)
19. What's the time? (1275 candidates)
20. Plural (1268 candidates)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Next >> |