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    These tests : French tests All
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    tests by inda with the online test builder (54 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Present perfect (4473 candidates)
    2. Past participles (2137 candidates)
    3. Present - zijn (1573 candidates)
    4. Near future (1494 candidates)
    5. Past participles (1292 candidates)
    6. Plural (1169 candidates)
    7. Future (1109 candidates)
    8. Animals (1034 candidates)
    9. Present (1028 candidates)
    10. Present perfect (991 candidates)
    11. Present perfect (991 candidates)
    12. Singular-Plural (957 candidates)
    13. Imperative (953 candidates)
    14. Present perfect (948 candidates)
    15. Personal pronouns (936 candidates)
    16. Subordinate clauses (815 candidates)
    17. Easy sentences (810 candidates)
    18. Sports (803 candidates)
    19. Present perfect (796 candidates)
    20. Past Perfect (793 candidates)

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