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    These tests : French tests German tests Italian tests Maths tests Dutch tests All
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    tests by mariebru with the online test builder (3207 tests)

    161. Definite articles: de/het ? (1342 candidates)
    162. Spelling - e/ee (309 candidates)
    163. Spelling: o / oo ? (240 candidates)
    164. Spelling - u / uu ? (406 candidates)
    165. Spelling - a / aa ? (285 candidates)
    166. Transportation (206 candidates)
    167. Easy sentences (1071 candidates)
    168. Present (955 candidates)
    169. Adjectifs de matière (258 candidates)
    170. Use of capital letters (619 candidates)
    171. Spelling - a / aa ? (423 candidates)
    172. Possessive adjectives: ons/onze (3182 candidates)
    173. Personal pronouns (680 candidates)
    174. Questions (228 candidates)
    175. Verbes d'action et verbes d'état (10726 candidates)
    176. Compléments circonstanciels (816 candidates)
    177. Verbes transitifs et intransitifs (5978 candidates)
    178. Accord du verbe (4419 candidates)
    179. Parcs naturels de Wallonie (Belgique) (73 candidates)
    180. Soleil au cinéma (159 candidates)

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