Find a penpal > pelagie40 : Please log in to contact this member.Registration date: Thursday 01 October 2009 at 22:49GENDER: female (57 years old)Country: France Department: Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)Other members are not allowed to contact me.About me: Da come gli altri si comportano con noi, non dobbiamo desumere e apprendere chi siamo noi , bensi chi sono loro. Arthur Schopenhauer From the way others behave with us, we must not infer and learn who we are , but who they are. Arthur Schopenhauer De la façon dont les autres se comportent avec nous, nous ne devons pas déduire et apprendre qui nous sommes, mais qui ils sont. Arthur SchopenhauerMy main language(s): French I'm learning: English Italian